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June 21, 2020:
I arrived to Maui in the afternoon. I felt like exploring the island and Isaiah felt stoked to give me a tour. He said we would go on hikes which was hard to believe at first since I know he’s a water boy, but he was serious! The moment we drove from the airport, he took me on a hike, and better yet, we snuck in. I think we went to someplace called The Needle, and it was so fun because I felt like we were playing hide and seek with the forest rangers/cops. AND, I felt even more gratitude because it reminded me so much of the PCT. We walked alongside a river through a fairy forest. It was so magical. We’ve even crossed the river several times. There were children playing in the water and lovers kissing, and I felt warmth and gratitude for the love that was being felt. I felt euphoric. Something about seeing the best crevices of the mountains gets me so high. I used to think that porn was my eye candy, but hell no… not after witnessing the way nature makes me feel. There is a deep stillness, an everlasting peace collapsed in the moment of now. My mind just goes quiet and all of a sudden I am reminded of what my only goal is here.
I also didn’t feel pressure to have sex by Isaiah which was nice. I felt like I was on a road trip with a close friend. I also reminisced a lot about Zion. I gently told the Universe, It would be awesome to experience a road trip like that again, and I felt like it was given to me—effortlessly. I truly didn’t have to do anything.
I also experienced what I would call a miracle with Isaiah. He seems to really be integrating Hope’s teachings and I told him I was so surprised because after Wisdom Dialogues, I was sure that he hated her teachings.
He goes, “No, I didn’t hate her or what she was saying, I just couldn’t accept it at the time, and now I do. I’ve been integrating her teachings all the time.”
He gave me so many examples. I honestly couldn’t believe it. Seems like God was working through him with his little bit of willingness.