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February 21, 2020:
Trying to get your body to look a certain way is a complete distraction for what the body is actually meant for. The body is a means for communication. Our minds attract ONLY for the purpose of healing. Thinking that our bodies attract for sex, food, or income is just another distraction attempting to cover up our true purpose. Our sole desire is allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us as we remind our brothers and sisters of our true Home.

I got a tattoo of a dragonfly to remember Akim, one of my greatest teachers who is now my Spirit guide! I never had much of a fascination towards dragonflies, but one morning in 2018, I was reading a book and there was a drawing of a woman bathing naked in the river. She was surrounded by dragonflies. For over 10 minutes I just stared at the dragonflies surrounding her and felt incredibly drawn to their aura. I felt this sense of deep peace and safety. From that moment, I was swarmed with images of dragonflies in my field of experience to this day.
Later, I found out my best friend, Akim, had apparently passed away on the day that I was mesmerized by that drawing. When I looked into the meaning of dragonflies, the main thing I discovered was that it meant your loved ones were communicating with you from the death realm letting you know that they are okay. They’re letting you know that they are still here with you and love you deeply.
Akim and I communicate now more than we ever have. We used to talk on the phone for 2-3 hours almost every day and now he’s with me all ways in Spirit. He was with me on the PCT and he got to be a part of every loving journey I have apparently experienced. I talk to him and we laugh. I can hear his calm voice beside me in moments of apparent hurt. As a couple of years have passed, now it seems we mostly communicate through this sense of deep gratitude and joyous love. Words don’t need to be said, only smiles to be shared.