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February 18, 2020:
Today at the market, I had a mental breakdown. I have been having what seems like a very intense moon cycle and the emotions have been feeling really extreme. I had food and coffee vendors surrounding me who were getting paid $50’s and $100’s within minutes. For me, hours passed without making any sales. Terrie (the woman who showed me the ropes my first day) went to talk to one of the managers and got me to move my table to a better location. As I continued drawing, the tears began to flow and I felt like a little kid who just wanted to cry, so I ran to some of the women and saw what thoughts I was holding as true when I found myself saying, “I feel like I’m not good enough. I don’t know how to do this.” They held me and were so supportive. They encouraged me to have faith and reminded me that it took at least a year for every vendor to get the hang of it and to raise the vibration of their aura to be confident in marketing.
One woman came up to my table and said, “See that woman over there?”
“Yes.” Her booth was huge and professional.
She continued, “Well, she was in the exact same spot as you were; upset and wondering what she was doing wrong… so you’re on the right track.”
Then, another artist came up to me and said, “I just want you to know, just because you didn’t make any sales today means nothing about your worth as an artist. You just have to try different venues and see what people will vibe with what you’re presenting!” and then she bought me some organic chocolate ice cream and shortly after, I made a sale!
Ebs and flows, but God stays with me wherever I go. I am always held by Him even when I find myself wandering off in thought.