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April 3, 2017

The Universe just repaid me in the most magical way! A couple of weeks ago I met a man hitchhiking. His name was Mitch. He had a GIANT magic conch shell in his backseat. He told me they sell them at the antique store right next to conscious culture café, and he said if I got one he could make a hole and then it would make the sound!

He invited me to his place to simply hang out and talk about life. I could feel that his intentions were good. Anwho, he told me that he had a bike at his place that he didn’t need. It was his ex-wife’s and it was ridden maybe five times! I couldn’t believe it–the Universe just handed it to me.

I told him I would be coming over today. I wore a beautiful polka dotted white Marilyn Monroe looking dress and began walking down the road. No phone, no shoes–just me, myself and I. I am grateful I didn’t hitchhike because on the 20 minute walk I experienced all sorts of treasures. I got to maneuver my feet through the rocks and mud. I got to feel the warmth of the sun’s rays on my skin and I got to venture off into Josana’s garden. I even saw a treehouse! I looked at one of the houses and intuitively got the feeling that it was Mitch’s. I am remembering to trust my intuitive messages.
I entered. I felt like Alice in Wonderland exploring this man’s property. It was unknown to me, but energetically I felt it was safe to play and explore. The energy of his place was POWERFUL! I felt at home. Thank you, Universe. I sat on his super duper comfy chair then Mitch came out and we began organically communicating.

He gave me a green papaya and I told him I would donate it to Alan for his famous green papaya salads. Then we talked about crystals! He told me he’s really good with crystals, so I thought I’d donate some to him! Then we began to talk about our minds. I put out a subtle intention that I wanted to learn how to be gentle with myself and how to not beat myself up or put myself down. He presented me with that answer.
With eyes closed and listening himself, he said to me, “The way to be the most gentle with yourself is doing everything coming from your heart. When everything is done from your heart, you won’t beat yourself up because you came from your heart, with that intention.”
I got mad goosebumps. I thanked him immensely for the answer that just fell into my hands. He talked about Lemuria and Atlantis, and about all this crazy energy healing stuff! He reminded me that we have all the power, all the answers within us. I felt high and blissed out around him. I asked for high vibrating conversations and he came. He handed me these two beautiful flowers then invited me to look at the stars on his roof. I was so grateful to attract this creature. Did you know we can energetically control weather to the point of energetically pushing away tornadoes?! Gnarly.

I am in a place of love right now and I know that Ivan is not for me. I don’t go well with him.
Today he became frustrated with me and asked, “Why does every day have to be a battle for you? Why can’t you just relax into life?”
I said, “I don’t think of it as a battle. I think of it as learning and growing. You have to keep in mind that I don’t think the way you do.”
I share everything with Ivan. My true, vulnerable thoughts and feelings from one extreme to the other, and sometimes, I don’t enjoy the space that it is being shared in. I enjoy diving into truth, but with Ivan it feels as if I dive deep and express and the communication purge is out and that’s it. I feel better, we cuddle and make love and then the cycle begins the next day. I want to listen to someone talk about what they learned ‘back in the day.’ I want someone to tell me what they want to outgrow. I want someone to show me what’s on their mind, and in a sweet, gentle, firm, beautiful, intricate way. I want to listen. I want to hear their thoughts. I want to feel our journey to the Kingdom. I want to feel the full passion when we make love, when we talk, when we color, when we play, when we adventure. THAT is what I want at this moment.

Recent lessons from Hope:
“The trigger cannot happen, unless the belief is being held.”
“Relationships: if it’s going to be, it’ll be… no need to get all psychological about it, and whoever is in front of us is exactly who we are being asked to love.”
“The only thing that makes it hard is identification with a painful thought.”