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July 24, 2016:
As I grow older, I learn more and more that there is no such thing as ‘the one.’ We meet several ‘one’s’ throughout our lifetime. We fall in love many times. Each person is significant and helps us grow where we need to grow. Relationships are here to teach you what you need to work on, for they are simply a reflection of yourself. Relationships are meant to create balance, but once you see that your relationship isn’t helping either of you grow, then it is time to let go, detach and trust that the Universe will help you manifest something higher… and then the journey begins again. Man, what a beautiful feeling it is to love someone without attachment, without reserving them to yourself but rather giving them the freedom to do whatever they choose to do or be at this moment—no judgement, just ease. This beautiful soul, Ivan, has taught me communication, acceptance, detachment and natural flow. At this moment, I appreciate being with this wild jungle boy. I am grateful to love without attachment, for love is eternal, unreserved, infinite and unconditional.