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June 29 2020:
I am on my way Home. I have my angels behind my back, gently nudging me to dive deep into this mission here on Earth. I know that when I feel like I am alone and misunderstood, when it feels like I am falling into darkness, my Spirit Guides are here to catch me. They gently raise my eyes towards the eternal presence of Heaven. They turn the light on for me and I can see that it was only a dream.
Let me not lose focus.
Let me be strong in my faith.
I am never alone and I am always protected.
I have all of the guidance within.
A Knowing.
Sometimes I get distracted along the way, though the distractions seem to be less interesting. They hold less of a grip on my mind.
I am not gone for long and I know I can come right back to my purpose… and so I surrender once more. Humbled, I ask God to show me the Light of which I am made and I envelop myself in His warm, everlasting Love. Now, I can find the effortless strength to remind my brothers and sisters of Who They Are… and together, hand in hand, we watch the illusions dissolve before our eyes… all of the paths to Heaven disappear beneath each step. We made it Home. I am Home.