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March 31, 2020:
I had some intense perceptions of feeling sexualized come up while I was at the beach today and feeling as if setting my boundaries went completely unheard. I felt a deep sorrow come over me and quickly felt it was time to leave the beach. I had some sweet friends that comforted me and I was able to see a reflection that I am loved and taken care of… not just on the surface. I am seen as a Child of God through some eyes and through others I am seen as a slut who’s “asking for it.” Gratitude for my friends who see me as a pure expression of light and nothing less than that. Most of all, thank you to those who remind me that this whole dream of a world is coming from my own perception and that I am getting endless opportunities for forgiveness and compassion for myself. The reason these perceptions keep occurring is because God is gently reminding me to try again. As the days go on, I feel more and more inspired to hand it over to Him and ask to be shown what is True.

Trying to get your body to look a certain way is a complete distraction for what the body is actually meant for. The body is a means for communication. Our minds attract ONLY for the purpose of healing. Thinking that our bodies attract for sex, food, or income is just another distraction attempting to cover up our true purpose. Our sole desire is allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us as we remind our brothers and sisters of our true Home.