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February 11, 2020:
Today, I’m flying back home to the Big Island and the most difficult relationship to leave behind was my puppy, Pupa. When I came home from the PCT, I was going through the most difficult break up I apparently experienced and I leaned on her through it. She became my best friend through the healing process. We went on endless walks, I created a space for her in the back of my car and we would lay there and cuddle. She would guard me when I was napping or reading. Through her, I was able to heal a lot of the angry thoughts I held towards my ex. I would give myself space to cry intensely and Pupa was there to lick away the tears. Over a short period of time, I was even able to become friends with my ex again. She has been a great teacher by showing me unconditional love, kindness, endless kisses and support. Through her, I learned a lot about what it means to love. She didn’t even have to speak a word for me to learn through her presence, to understand more deeply the power of Love.
I see where I held attachment to her because I had a huge breakdown the moment I picked her up to give her a goodbye kiss. I just wanted to hold her and never let go. It felt really difficult to see that her body was meaningless and that it is the loving energy we share that lasts and that distance has no meaning. I will open my heart and hand this feeling over to Spirit while I am apparently away from her. It’s okay to experience sadness, but deep in my mind, I know it’s beyond what I think it is. (I am never upset for the reason I think. ~ACIM) I love you so much, Pupa. It is only a feeling… I will keep surrendering my emotions over to Spirit. You are only a loving thought away.