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(X-rated) July 18, 2018:
Landed back home today in Hawaii. Pele somehow still gives me the comfort of a loving mother, holding me in her arms, reminding me it is all okay. The second I stepped back on the island and breathed in the prana of the aina, this overwhelming peace of mind filled my soul. I laughed at myself for being away so long, it’s so easy to get sucked back into the mainland vibes… but on the island, it feels like for once in my life, I feel safe. Without having any sense of direction, I feel calm. I feel only Pele’s Love and Guidance through my heart and she shows me what is really important in this perceived world. Mahalo, always.

Sophia took me to Sirius today to say hi to Lucas because I knew he was only working until 12. I can’t even explain his face when he saw me. It was an expression of being purely speechless, as if I was the best surprise. He couldn’t believe I was in front of him. I could feel his energy.
He came around to give me a hug and asked the customer to please wait. We both smiled, in awe of standing before one another. I was so thankful to see him and then he went back to the girl in front of me, apologized and asked me to go in front of her.
I smiled, laughed and said, “Girl, you go ahead, I don’t mind waiting.”
Just those words coming out of my mouth, my heart smiled because I knew how love has a way of doing THAT. You let go and you stop taking everything so seriously. It doesn’t matter what’s happening on the surface.
Then, I flirted around with Lucas and asked him if he remembered how to make my drink.
He smiled and said, “For the most part, yes.”
I asked if he could make it with toddy shots and he said, “Of course.”
As he was making it, he messed it up completely, but I couldn’t help watching him in awe and wonder, in appreciation of all of his beauty. I could tell he was taking his sweet ass time just so he could talk to me an extra while longer. I laughed because he kept messing up on my drink, it was as if he forgot how to make coffee in general and was stumbling and all of these awkward moments occurred such as him dropping things and bumping into the countertops.
I smiled, held my gaze into his and said, “It was so nice seeing you.”
He smiled back and said, “It was so nice seeing you, too. Did I make your drink okay?”
I said, “Perfect.”
“Just like old times?”
I smiled. “Just like old times.”
He texted me shortly after saying, “Come back! I didn’t want you to leave!”
It made my heart melt. He asked me to go hiking as soon as possible, so we will be going Friday.

Then, Sophia introduced me to a super sexy guy named Carson, we gave each other the sex eyes. He’s 23. Then we went to Uncle’s later and I walked around as soon as we got there. Apparently I came back to Hawaii at the perfect time when everything was lifting up again energetically. I decided to go to the ocean and experience Pele’s energy for a moment. I was being called to her, so I sat down and breathed her in. I felt her through the wind and saw her in the horizon beside the ocean. As I walked, I felt peace.
When I reached my way back to Uncle’s, I saw this kid whom I met at Malama’s earlier that day. We had exchanged a smile across the registers. I danced and ran back to the car with Sophia then slapped her butt. As I sat in the passenger seat, he came up and asked Sophia something.
I grabbed his necklace, pulling him in close to my face and said, “WOW! I LOVE your necklace!”
“I love yours, too,” he said with a seductive gleam in his eyes.
His name was Corey. I saw him later spinning fire with another guy. They both began flirting with me. Corey called me beautiful, then asked if I wanted to go on a walk so I said sure, and so we walked. He was so flirty and only 22! He was grabbing my side and teasing me. We arrived at the cliff by the ocean.
I said, “Let’s sit by the water,” and he said, “let’s sit on the lava.”
I teased, “You’re just scared of getting wet!”
We sat down and he put his arm around my lower back and pulled me in closer. Dude, I was so caught off guard. I thought he was going to be really shy. He was scrawny and tall, had short, curly dark hair, thin face, but a strong jawline. He just kept flirting with me, as if he had no fear. He began caressing my arm, my back, then held my hand and carressed it.
I asked, “How are you so confident? Usually guys my age are so shy and don’t know how to make a move on a girl.”
Then he just grabbed me by my pussy and began stroking it, and I was like oh my God… because dude, if I just saw this guy, I’d be all, yeah, he’s cute, but I wouldn’t fuck him. But it was as if he cast some sort of spell on me. I felt whipped. I just couldn’t stop smiling and then we began kissing and he was so good at everything, it’s like HE was leading ME. It was super hot not to be in control for once and to instead let him fully dominate me.
I mounted him and began grinding on his hard cock, one of my favorite things to do. Then we stood up, made out some more and grabbed one another like we couldn’t get enough. He put my hand on his cock and my eyes grew wide. I went down to begin sucking on his dick, and when I pulled it out of his pants, I was like oh my fucking God, I am screwed.
I just laughed and shook my head.
“This will destroy me,” I said.
Straight up biggest cock I have ever had in my life. As I blew him, I could barely even put my mouth around it. I literally had to open my mouth as wide as possible. Then we made out some more and he invited me to his place so I said okay.
As we were walking, he began to tell me how he’s done porn on the side along with modeling and I said same here. Then I laughed, and thought, Oh the law of attraction at its finest.
His place was so fucking nice. Top notch. We went into the shower together and I felt DRUNK. I couldn’t focus, my eyes narrowed, I couldn’t stop smiling, I felt sexually high.
We made out and he said, “Hey hey hey, we’re only rinsing off here,” then wiped me off with a towel.
God, it was so fucking sexy because he treated me like a lady and put me first. He made sure I was well taken care of, but in the back of my head I knew I was about to get rammed.
We went into the bedroom and he pushed me onto the bed. I moaned from hot sexy that was, then we made out intensely. He was crazy experienced. I was baffled. He told me to wrap my legs and arms around him.
“Like this?” I asked.
He lifted me up and threw me onto the pillows and began to insert himself. I was moaning with my head falling back.
He smiled and said, “Hey, that’s only the tip.”
I couldn’t believe it. I had to mentally relax my mind and body just to let him in. Slowly, he started pushing inch by inch, deeper and deeper.
His cock felt never ending, and when I thought it was finally all the way in, he goes, “So do you want it all the way in?”
Like what!? The sex became like a fucking exercise, no pun intended. He did everything like a fucking God. He went slow and then rammed it in.
“Do you like your hair pulled?” he asked. “Do you like being choked? Scratched? Slapped? Bitten?”
I sexually moaned “mhm” every time and then he goes, “So you like being dominated?” in the most sexy fucking voice.
I nodded and he lifted me up and RAMMED me. Then, he told me to stand up. I was just face palming the entire time because I was mind blown at his experience. He lifted me up and fucked me standing, facing me with my back on the wall like a straight up porn star. It felt out of this world. This kid was smaller than me in his build!
He kept putting me down, choking me until I almost passed out. I loved it. He kept biting my neck and rubbing his dick on my clit then slapping my ass, pounding me on the edge of the bed and he was sweating all over me. God I love that hot, messy, sweaty sex.
I told him to cum on my ass and his cum squirted all the way past my head and all over my body, my favorite kind of cumshot. Oh my God, I am still speechless as I write this. I actually found myself fantasizing about this kid. Jesus Christ.
It’s even funnier because I remember thinking to myself, Oh how cute, he thinks he’s gonna get laid, and then, BAM! He hypnotized me. He later told me I was number 177. I can absolutely see now where he gets the experience. That is wild.
“I usually can’t handle big Dicks because they don’t feel good,” I said.
“You have to know how to use it.”
I went back to Uncle’s because Sophia was crying because she saw her ex with his woman so we walked around and she tried making him jealous by appearing like she was having fun. She was wearing a short white tight dress, so I said, “All right hop on my back I’ll give you a piggyback ride,” and she said, “No, my ass will hang out!”
“Exactly,” I said, “get on me,” and so she hopped on and I made sure to run past him.
She laughed and screamed, “Oh my God, stop! My ass is hanging out!”
And I just smiled from so much gratitude. We were just playing and having fun and it was so childish but nonetheless sweet. Then we went by the dance floor and Sophia was talking to some dude and I leaned up against a pole because I saw this group of guys looking at me whispering, so I let them take a look. I knew they were hyping one another up to come talk to me. Eventually, a cute one approached me and asked if I wanted to dance.
I said, “Oh thanks, but I’m with a friend.
He smiled and said, “That’s all right,” and walked back. He smelled like beer. Maybe I should’ve danced with him. I ended up meeting one of Sophia’s friends. He was so easy to flirt with because he would flirt back bluntly. We were alone at Sophia’s for a bit and I only let him touch my boob and smell my pussy. He was on the ground, enjoying my scent. I love when a guy is lower than me—I feel dominant, all I can think is, Yes, worship me. He was like a teenage boy. He desperately wanted to get laid and I was about to give it to him, but I was scared of what Sophia would think.